All the Resources You Could Ever Need

All the Resources You Could Ever Need

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

I think that human beings are naturally hard-wired to conform and stay safe in our tribes. We don’t like to stand out too much, we like to blend in to the crowd, play it safe and stay small.

As much as we like to think of ourselves as individuals, the fact is that we’re driven to fit in; on a primal level we feel safe just following the crowd and going with the flow.

That means that a 75-year-old woman will typically not dress like a 15-year-old, for example. She doesn’t belong to that tribe and may be alienated by her own if she were to dress like that, right?

Listen, it’s not always that obvious; mostly, we don’t even realize we are conforming. We do what others do because others do it, not because we have consciously and thoughtfully chosen it. It’s just “what is done.”

Don’t get me wrong. Conformity is not all bad. It’s far from bad to stop at red traffic lights or drive on the correct side of the road. Like everything in life, conformity and individuality is a balancing act. The golden middle road is the path to success.

So when does conformity sabotage your success, your ability to live a full and meaningful life—your life?

Maybe you grew up wanting to be a world-class chef, or an inventor, or a writer. Maybe you still do. Maybe you dreamt of somehow changing the world, or starting your own business, or living a life of abundance, or actualizing your creative ideas. So what happened to all those dreams?

You got comfy in your comfort zone.

Conforming to the norms that society puts forth to live in the “real world,” is so comfortable it lulls us to sleep. You “stop daydreaming,” you “become realistic,” your race to pay the bills, stay on top of your responsibilities, and before you knew it, your childhood dreams are little more than dust in the breeze.

What’s missing from the equation is creative and critical, free thinking. We so cling to “the norms” that we miss discovering what we, ourselves, truly think and truly want.

But here’s the question. Are you really comfortable or do your dreams tug at your heart?

Our true selves never really go away. They lie in wait for the day they can be set free to live the passionate, authentic, inspired life for which they were created.

When you honor those yearnings that come packaged inside of your talents and abilities, life in the old box gets so uncomfortable that getting out is the only option. Stepping out of comfort zone to think outside of the box and explore solutions in the unknown world requires boldness, creativity and faith. New solutions, more expansion and exciting possibility awaits you on the outside.

Create and align with a vision that both excites you and drives you forward.

Tap into the infinite potential of the abundant you, the inventor you, the creative you. Within you exists all the resources you could ever need.

Because somewhere inside you, in the unlimited vastness of your highest self, there is another version of you who didn’t give up on those dreams…

Too Many Passions?

Too Many Passions?

Do you have a potpourri of assorted roles, interests or passions?

The old saying: Jack-of-all-trades, master of none! reveals the bias against those who choose a varied work life rather than committing to a unidirectional path.

There was a time, however, when society admired such a person. In fact, some of our greatest contributors have been talented in a variety of areas.

Take Leonardo da Vinci who painted masterpieces such as the Mona Lisa, AND designed and built bicycles, canals, musical instruments and flying machines. Benjamin Franklin not only helped draft the Declaration of Independence, he was an inventor, statesman, printer, scientist, author, and student of French culture and language.

Margaret Lobenstine, author of The Renaissance Soul–Life Design for People with Too Many Passions to Pick Just One, identifies five signs to help determine whether you are a “Renaissance Soul”:

  • The ability to become excited by many things at once
  • A love of new challenges; once challenges are mastered, you’re easily bored
  • A fear of being trapped in the same career or activity for life
  • A pattern of quick, sometimes unsatisfying flings with many hobbies
  • A successful career that has left you bored or restless

There is Nothing Wrong with You

People who recognize themselves in that description often feel that something is “wrong” with them, that they’re not “normal”. They may often find themselves thinking, “What will I do when I grow up…?” They may be think themselves irresponsible, a dilettante, or blame it all on Attention Deficit Disorder.

If that’s you, stop trying to fit into the mold of someone you are not. Embrace who you are and the strengths you have.

In fact, your traits make you an ideal candidate for work that requires flexibility, adaptability to change, and a broad skill base. Renaissance Souls are often ideal entrepreneurs since they typically wear many hats in their own business. Public relations, marketing, consulting and project management are other good choices.

With multifaceted abilities, it is a lot easier to adapt to today’s shifting financial climate and global economy. What’s more, their passionate nature and curiosity are truly an asset in any arena!

How to Handle Your Passions

In her book Refuse to Choose: A Revolutionary Program for Doing Everything That You Love, career counselor Barbara Sher provides dozens of tools for dealing with a multiplicity of passions and also divides what she calls “Scanners” into nine categories.

The “Double Agent” is torn between two interests, while the “Sybil” is drawn to so many things that she’s often unable to choose anything. The “Serial Specialist” and “Serial Master” often stick with one career or project for many years until they’ve gained all they desire from it, and then move on to master different occupations.

Understanding your type can help you recognize strengths, get support, and choose work that suits you.

Keep a journal and 3-ring binders to help you track your numerous ideas and keep your projects organized.

And finally, look for the strand that ties all of your passions together.

You were born with a magnificent purpose to fulfill in this world. It’s there; buried deep inside of you, it’s your reason for being. When you are inspired by that great underlying purpose, your mind transcends limitations, and your consciousness expands in all directions…Hidden abilities and talents become alive and you find ways to achieve that which you’ve never dreamed you could.

Often all it takes is a shift of attitude to embrace your renaissance nature. Honor its ways and you may find that your many talents lead you to a fulfilling, passion-filled life.