Transformative Offers Blueprint

Transformative Offers Blueprint

How would you like to create irresistible offers to attract dream clients and create incredible transformation?

You would?! Fabulous!

If you’re sick of the “getting me-nowhere” marketing strategies you’ve been using to try to grow your business and you’re tired of struggling to get clients month after month then it’s time for a change.

Transformative offers simply deliver big results and solve an urgent problem or pain that your clients have.

Look, there are a lot of people in the world who need your help in a big way.

Probably hundreds of thousands, if not millions. When you package your service into transformative offers:

• Your clients get better results.
• You earn more money.
• You gain credibility in the marketplace as someone who delivers results.
• You shift from the “dollars for hours” model and create more leverage.

It’s a total win-win solution for everyone. Transformative offers are designed in specifically for achieving the high quality results your clients really want.

And if you design your packages well, they’ll form an ascension path, where your clients can receive increased levels of support and results, if desired.

So not only do you want to create packages that are attractive individually, you also want to design these packages so they form a suite. Then, they work together to maximize the positive impact on your clients, and bring in great revenue for you.

A great way to form a suite is through the power of information products.

Here’s what you can do:

1. Create a low-priced information product

Typically, a low-priced product is an educational product in the $2–$200 range that offers advice or strategies for success. This can be a book, eBook, audio programs, or home-study course on a DVD or downloadable format.

2. Create a mid-tier-priced information product
The price point for mid-tier is usually $200-$999 and can look like a home study course that may include 10 video trainings, transcripts, a workbook and a bonus audio program.

3. Create a high-tier group coaching program

While many clients will be happy with learning at their own pace and implementing some of your tips and strategies to improve their lives, some clients will desire mastery. This means, that once they’ve gone through your programs, they will want to go deeper and learn from you live. These people are not satisfied with a music CD, they want a live concert.

On this level, you work with a group of clients to create a customized plan to move clients closer to their dream. This advanced group of clients get exclusive new training every month along with a question and answer conference call. High-end programs like can cost up to $2,000-per month. These highly-invested great-to-work-with clients pay premium prices to shorten their learning curve and their path to success.

Nothing helps to build your credibility like products and programs designed to serve your target market’s very specific urgent needs and compelling desires. Offere packaged learning and expereinces that people love create opportunites for multiples streams of passive or leveraged income.

Transformative offers speed up the sales cycle, because it offers potential clients the opportunity to test you out without having to take a big risk. When they’re satisfied with your offering, are well served with them and get the results they’d been looking for, they keep coming back for more.

Creating a product is a game changer however most authors, coaches and consultants stay away from this assuming it’s too hard, costs too much and isn’t worth the time. It’s amazing how some things that seems so challenging and so complicated really are not. You can easily create and launch a profitable product if you carefully execute the steps and market it strategically.

Your Action: Take a look at the one thing your clients ask you for over and over again. What’s one thing they hire you for privately? What are the steps you teach them? Consider that this can be a product and an easy way for you to leverage your time and make more money in your business.

Want to know how this can work for you? Click here to discover how to create, launch and cash in on a product or service you didn’t even know you had in you!